What Did You Said?

Parker: ” I had a dweem (dream) about Jesus.”
Me: “Oh, really? What happened?”
P: “Well, he said somp-thing…and den I said, WHAT DID YOU SAID? And den he said somp-ting again…and den I said WHAT DID YOU SAID? And, den he said somp-ting again and den I said WHAT DID YOU SAID? And, den Jesus hit his hand on his head and said “Oh, Bummer!”

I can’t help but think that this TOTALLY cracked Jesus up. I’ve been giggling about this, and was suddenly hit over the head with it’s spiritual significance. 

How many times does God whisper something to my heart. And, I’m too busy to listen. He whispers, “call this friend.” And, I think…I have too much to do today. I need to ignore that. I go into a “what did you said?” mentality. Busy. Moving. Getting things done.

God whispers, “buy a cheeseburger for this homeless guy.” I’m too tired to deal with the world’s problems….I move on. Drive by. Ignore him. Ignore God. Moving back into my “What did you said?” mentality. I heard God. I heard the whisper. I just can’t. Not today. Can’t act like I heard him. Moving on.

I don’t listen. I ignore. I am too busy to hear. I am not making the effort to be still and really listen.

Hebrew 3:15 says, “Today if you hear my voice, do not harden your hearts.”

Let’s open our hearts. Listen. Be present with God today, even in the still small voice. How much change can happen in the world, if instead of “What did you said?” We just said, “ok.”

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