Cold Coffee Club – Beginnings

I have a false expectation of mornings.  To me, they were designed to be slow.  For piping hot coffee to be sipped.  For journaling.  For reading my Bible as I snuggle jammed children hugging stuffed animals.  For robes and slippers.  For soft lighting. Music.  My golden retriever at my feet.  Where I am the master of time. I smile, victorious as I declare , “We will not exist in frenzy.”


I wake up to jammed children in my bed.  Feet on my face.  I quietly roll out of bed, as if I’m avoiding a land mine.  One small step, and everyone is awake.  I grab my glasses, my torn quilt, my Bible, and tip toe into the living room.  I make a cup of coffee.  I sit.  I breathe in.  Ready to spend time with Jesus.

And, then the dog is pawing at the back door.  He needs to go out.  I open the door and the alarm sounds.  Shoot…I forgot to turn it off.  Kiddos come rushing in.  Happy.  Delighted that it’s time to be awake.  Breakfast needs to be made.  Juice poured.  Cartoons on.  Homework checked.  Lunches packed. Shoes found.  Time to go.  The bus is here.  Hurry.  Hurry.  Where are your pants?  Why is the dog wearing your jacket?  Where is my coffee???

It’s cold.

Time.  It has defeated me.

But, it’s in this…in the chaos… that Jesus calls to me.

It’s as if he says, “Hello my daughter.  You are being invited to join the club. A club of mothers and fathers. A club of professionals. A club of hurting hearts. A club of  bad decision makers. A club of rejects. A club of desperate people looking to seek me in this life. The requirements are short.  There are no dues.  No progress reports.  Just one thing is required.  Your heart.  Your whole heart.  Are you in?”

I pause.  Yes, my heart cries.  I am in.

We are all being defeated by something.  That is life.  I can join the club.  I can seek Jesus with my whole heart in the midst of frenzy.

And, you know what..I can even buy a Yeti.

So friends, grab your Yeti, your reheated coffee, your old quilt…and let’s invite Jesus into our everyday. Into our pain. Into our failures.  Into our struggles.

Will you join the club?  We accept everyone.







14 thoughts on “Cold Coffee Club – Beginnings

  1. I am so glad you are doing this. Your writing is always an inspiration to me. Keeps me going during tough times. Love your humor and faith. XOXO


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